

Keeper of the Founder’s Temple

The Keeper of the Founder’s Temple is the leader of the most prominent religions in Aion. As the youngest Keeper in history, Carnation is wise, levelheaded, and faced with great expectation she must meet. When her chronic illness gets exponentially worse and she develops an incurable disease called ‘The Calling’ how will she manage to keep her wits about her?


Poppy Ranun: Guard at the Founder’s Temple

Thinking more with her fists than her brain, Poppy is prone to fighting and acting on her first instinct. Though she tries to channel her violent energy into helping those who can’t help themselves. Carnation and Poppy are both unlikely friends, so when Carnation collapses, the world Poppy made for herself at the Temple is forever changed as she would do anything to help her.


Momordica Burdock: Archivist of the Founding Library

Always with her head in a book and thinking five steps ahead. Mordie is hard at work researching a cure to The Calling. She is obsessed with plants and flora, which are few and far between in Aion. Her and Dahlia have been attached at the hip since they were children.


Dahlia Vervain: Carnation’s Personal Doctor

As an incredibly young doctor to be to personal caretaker of the Keeper, Dahlia takes her job very seriously. When she discovered and diagnosed Carnation with the Calling, Dahlia and Mordie got to work looking for a cure to and incurable disease.


